Dizziness and Balance Assessment

Our sense of balance is determined by our visual system, the inner ear, and our sense of movement via muscles (kinesthetic sense). When these systems don’t work together and function properly, dizziness usually occurs.

Is dizziness a symptom of something more serious?

Dizziness can be caused by disease such as Meniere’s Disease, by small calcium deposits in the inner ear, drugs which are toxic to the vestibular (balance) system, head trauma, and other conditions not necessarily related to the vestibular system. Any disturbance in the inner ear, with or without hearing loss or ringing in the ears (tinnitus), may cause a feeling of dizziness.

At Little Rock Audiology, our balance system assessment is conducted to detect pathology with the vestibular or balance system; to determine site of lesion; to monitor changes in balance function; or, to determine the contribution of visual, vestibular, and proprioceptive systems to functional balance.

Vestibular or balance system assessment is indicated when a person has nystagmus (rapid involuntary eye movement), complaints of vertigo (dizziness) balance dysfunction, gait abnormalities, or when pathology/disease of the vestibular system is suspected.

Is the dizziness testing painful?

Since 85% of all balance disorders are the result of problems involving the inner ear, an Electronystagmography (ENG) will help determine if your problem involves your inner ear. Test results are obtained while you are seated quietly and moving your head both side to side and up and down.  You will be lying on a table with your head and body in different positions.

What is BPPV and how do you treat it?

Our services also include a new method of treating dizziness and balance disorders without drugs or surgery.  The treatment, known as vestibular rehabilitation therapy, may include eye exercises, balance retraining and brief therapy sessions focused on repositioning tiny particles within your inner ears.

The success rate for treatment of benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV), a common form of balance disorder, is nearly 100%.  Once therapy is completed, dizziness rarely returns.